Monday 4 December 2017

I am fine. Really? Am I?

I am sure at one point of time, we all feel it. We meet so many people in our life; some are temporary while some remain an integral part of our life. You go out, socialize, make connections. A friend of mine recently comes up to me discussing about the same issue. 

She was getting engaged soon; and she was having a hard time in meeting her fiance's circle. "It's not something you should be afraid of, my dear. And trust me, don't avoid it. Face it." She gave a meek response but welcomed the suggestion I gave.

A couple of days later; I called her and we spoke about it again. Surprisingly she said,"I am glad I listened to you that time. I thought it will be pretty difficult meeting them; I always used to think that since I never have had any proper groups, I get weird around a group of people. And it's not that something is wrong with them or I don't like them; I just can't get along with people." 

Courtesy: The Awkward Yeti

Maybe you feel you are not good enough. Maybe you feel you are annoying. We all have been there. But what I feel is; we tend to overthink about everything. We make our brain function that way. Look around you, the number of people thinking negatively is rather more than people who have a positive approach. Of course; we are told always to think positively about everything. That doesn't quite work for us overthinkers, does it? All I am asking is: Give yourself a chance. Just because something of a negative sort happened in your life; does not mean it is going to repeat again. Go out and play a game of Basket Ball with those 4 people whom you were afraid to meet. They keep calling you; and you avoid it. But don't. 
Now sit back and relax. Imagine a situation where you have to meet a certain group of people. Be it a ceremony, a game or a lunch. You are avoiding it since last 2 months. Get up, wash your face, tell yourself "IT IS GOING TO BE OKAY." 

See! That's where you have already won the half battle. You have made up your mind on meeting people. Put up a nice shirt/dress on. Go out, get a breath of that fresh air. And you might think I am saying this for the sake of it. Trust me on this; I have done this in Goa. I have had an absolute fear of meeting people and communicating with them. Within 2 months; I spoke to almost 50+ people over calls; explaining and sorting the queries. At one point my anxiety was at such a peak point that my colleague literally said this, "If you aren't able to help yourself. I won't be able to help you as well." You know guys; it is difficult when you run out of your comfort zone. I was literally lost. But that's when you actually have to face your fears.

I felt useless at that point. But one morning; I stood up and literally told myself that the time had come for my anxiety to show it an exit door. Embrace your weakness happily. I did it. Everyone around me was so good to me; helped me. Yet whenever I went with any of them anywhere, I felt left out. But what I enjoyed was the independence I got. And now I realize it; I had slowly started to discover myself which is the best part of staying alone. Inspite the suffering, I felt good about myself; and oh yes!

 My friends had no clue for all those months. The gist of writing all this is:

1. First of all; Seriously STOP giving a shit about what people think of you. Why do you have to impress everyone all the time?
2. It is totally okay to feel left out; but don't avoid people and situations. It's not as bad as it seems.
3. Slowly, not directly, try not to overthink of the situations. Be Certain and affirmative. This is going to shape you as a person.

I think this is good for you to get back on the road again. Life really isn't that bad as it seems at times. Let's be patient and hold on a little more. Shall we? And well; if you want. I am always around if you want to talk :) Let's talk and help things out.
All the best!


  1. Bravo girl! Finally much awaited thoughts breath air! What a delight to read. Good one! Much love!

  2. Nice post Sanika. I was actually just talking to my friend about how overthinking create problems that do not exist. Really, good one!😘
