Sunday 9 November 2014


I want to share my travel experience with you all. I just want to convey you all what I learnt from this tour. Well, all my friends were off to different places in India for holidays. And I wanted to go to Rajasthan, but I couldn’t go because of some personal reasons. I was totally disappointed because I couldn’t make it to Rajasthan!
Never mind, my mom said we were off to my native Dhulia city which comes into Khandesh. And as we all know Maharashtra is divided into different categories for example: Vidarbha (Nagpur and others), Khandesh (Dhulia, Jalgaon, etc), Marathwada (Osmanabad, Beed, etc) and ours is Southern Maharashtra (Mumbai, Pune, etc).
P.S. This was for people who don’t know this :P
And I had no idea what I was going to experience there. Well guys we Mumbaikars have no idea that, what a beautiful life we all have here in Mumbai, with our parents, relatives and places to hangout. When I went there, I realized that the problems we face here are totally worthless, spending time in totally useless things, which aren’t going to matter in future for us, we over think and we react. But we should have to open our eyes and look at the surrounding.. I mean what problems people face in such places, I was completely stunned. We demand for something, our parents give it without any hesitation, and there just for a small toy a child has to cry and his parents can do nothing for him except consoling him. Scarcity of water, less power supply, lack of education these are major problems in Maharashtra. As my grandma is the vice president of two schools there, one of them is a girls's school. She told me, they face many problems there. Parents there still hesitate to send their daughters for education, political problems... Guys, it’s a request to you all, if you have any kind of problem then please don’t make a big deal about it! We live in heaven frankly speaking; we all literally have no idea that what kinds of problems these people face every day. So if you have any problem try to act upon it and solve it, don’t mess yourself up. If you really feel that you are in the worst phase of your life then think of these people and feel blessed to have a beautiful life and future in front of you! I learnt from these village people that if they are still trying to be happy in spite of all such problems they have, why can’t we stay happy? Definitely we all can. :D

God bless you all! 

Do write to me at my email at
(I got suggestions from previous letters, and thank you for the response)

Tuesday 14 October 2014


“Some people think it’s holding that makes one strong – 

sometimes it’s letting go.” 

1.) There is not a single problem with your body or yourself, the problem is your mind ! Thinking about such things which are not even meaningful! Why do you do this? Ask your mind once. Do what you like always. Have time for yourself, if you have a busy schedule take out time from it and do your hobbies! I am absolutely sure you all will survive through this, the reason why my blogs are about mental conditions of people is I want people to be happy and not thinking about silly things. Don't ever mess up your mind, be such a person always that, when others come around you, they will love your company and will love to be with you. 

2.) Choosing your friends is the most important factor in your life, don't open up to everyone. Not everyone needs to know about your life. Be open to few! And stay with those who make you feel positive, tiffs are common among friends but this is the phase in our lives when we have to act maturely in certain situations. BE MATURE if your friends act weird in certain situations. (Well you know how to handle them better when they get fussy). And one more thing is not everyone wants to be with you, some are just interested to listen to your story and not to help so be INDEPENDENT so you won't ever get hurt, that's my promise!

3.)  “When I argue with reality, I lose, but only 100 percent of the time.”

This is the perfect quote to lead us into the most harmful stressor of them all: resisting what is in the present moment.
Many of us are so accustomed to fighting the external environment of the moment that we don’t even realize that it’s optional to do so. Or even that it’s completely useless.
It is this resistance of what is that leads to most, or even all, of the unnecessary suffering that we’re so accustomed to experiencing.
I used to be a great resistor of my life situation. I thought that resisting and fighting it would eventually lead me to happiness, but it didn’t. The resistance only fed itself and led me deeper into more resistance, and thus more suffering.
It’s not until I began becoming friends with the present moment that I began to experience peace.

 Sarah Jessica Parker thanks to you for inspiring me to write such things. And a big thank you to those people who wrote to me and I am glad if I made you happy with my suggestions.

I will always try to make it up to you people to be stress free and being happy and satisfied in your life! Thanks for listening. Stay tuned. And feel free to write to me always.


Friday 12 September 2014

I tried hard not to cry, there was a big lump in my throat. Two months later this is when I realized that was this the moment what I was waiting for? I felt so alone among those 30 girls. Those were the ones came from different parts of suburbs, some of them with which i had studied for a year.I am socially awkward and I never have lots of friends. You will never find me sitting with a bunch of girls, yeah the photos you see are the meetings when I rarely go out with my friends. I felt like my head was going to burst. Beautiful campus, beautiful classroom, perfect faculties but yet it was such a weird feeling that I am totally alone among all those girls.And that's when it started, no one noticed how I felt. Well, quiet people always go unnoticed.I was never good in studies and that is when one of my closest friend after my good result taunted me so well, "You got much good grades than you expected". This is when I was near to tears in my eyes. The second taunt I got from the same girl was," You should have punctual responsibility". And as I said, I couldn't say anything but just listened to the insult she did every time. Because somewhere I knew, making fun of her wasn't going to help me building myself. Two months when I came home, I started cribbing everyday, "WHY IS THIS HAPPENING TO ME?" and thus I started to remain absent for the classes, turning into a big mental depression. That huge turmoil made a big impact on my life. But I had to face it, for the next four years I had to face it. I had already lost in love, I had lost in studies and now in terms of friendship it turned to worst. It takes too much time just to show that you don't care when you actually do care a lot. I was just left alone and I was speechless, I barely spoke to anyone and I had gave up on my life.

After a month, I decided not to crib anymore, being strong was the only choice god had left for me, maybe he wanted to see how I struggle through such situations. God taught me not to run away from any situations, My best friend had became careless about me, the person I loved the most left me, and my work also was turning worst. That time, two main factors that affected me positively were God and my family. And that's when I decided not to give shit about them and enjoy the company of yourself. You are your own friend when people leave you. People like it when they see you failing, people like to judge you when you are free, you want to be open,. People are never satisfied with what you are. Well maybe I can't express to you all that how I am feeling about this but maybe this all happened to all of you also. I am not saying I am perfect, I am telling you that if you have a friend who doesn't have good grades, it is also your responsibility to help them rather than humiliating them, and leaving them. This is the phase when they need your support, be that support.

Guys, you should be a support to your friends and not a tension! They shouldn't feel tensed when they are in your company. God is testing us. We should win the battle.

(Do write to me about your incidences at

Monday 28 July 2014

Nurture your relationship!

Be it Carrie Bradshaw (Sarah Jessica Parker) from Sex and the City, or be it Aisha Banerjee from bollywood flick Wake Up Sid! Relationships aren't that easy thing, are they?
Well, yes they are if you handle them wisely. Imagine you are surrounded by many people right now and they are these fellows are close to you, they always come up to you taking their problems, and you be like annoyed. Yes, each and every freak here has problems! 
Let's just believe you are god, and I thought of helping them so writing this one. So here's to people who are having problems in their relationships or you are trying to save your relation.

1.Space: One person in your relationship needs alot of emotional space. Give them the amount of time if they want to stay away from you and everyone. Don't keep nagging them by continuous texts and phone calls. World ain't coming to an end. Just be patient till they contact you themselves. You know, patience and time heal everything! :) So huhahh,.. stay calm and understand them.

2.Create a vacuum so that YOUR PARTNER has something to step into. It will feel strange and uncomfortable, but it is necessary discomfort. If your partner does not participate in the relationship, he or she may look for more connection elsewhere.

3.Get help in learning how to stop taking up so much emotional space. Hire a good therapist or a relationship coach to work on this. You may also need help as a couple in learning how to share the emotional space and in teaching your partner how to take up more space.
4.Stop the drama. The key for both of you is to tone down all of your emotions, needs, wants, upsets, etc. The second key is to make sure YOUR PARTNER stays involved at all times. These steps may sound simple, but in fact are difficult to do. Get help from a coach or a therapist on how to stop the drama and balance YOUR RELATIONSHIP

Have self-respect, be on mutual terms and understandings and if one has decided to parted ways, don't force them to be with you. There's no worse thing than a forceful relationship. Keep them happy and be satisfied in what they give you. Do not expect. Remember, zero expectations leads to much and much more of happiness always! I don't know how but it does.
And lastly stay blessed. Be calm, be patient and things will be as you always wanted them to be. All the best to all couples out there! Cheers to you'll and as Justin Timberlake has said, Love's not a bad thing at all. :D

Saturday 5 July 2014

Self realization!

Did you ever realize where do you stand actually and where do YOU imagine where you are? Start thinking about life a normal and natural way, life's just a simple struggle in your journey of reaching to your destination. I don't know about others, but many of my friends have come to me, asking for advice on their problems. I seriously ask you all, is this pain worth your happiness? Is this small some amount of pain worth you? Why do you get so low and negative about yourself? You yourself don't know how great you are and you just underestimate yourself! I am not saying that I am a perfect woman, Yes, I do have problems but I learned that worrying makes you far more worse than you can imagine! Hahaha! stop worrying about worthless things and start enjoying your life, and believe me, the things which you want really badly right now will return to you soon! Ok, now this process when you realize all this is called SELF REALIZATION process :D Just don't be over confident and don't have zero confidence too :) Be neutral and stay happy. You are amazing as you are, even you have flaws, people will criticize you no matter what. Let them do it, the community is never satisfied and yes Karma isn't a bitch! :P That's all for now.

Stay Tuned.

Sunday 29 June 2014

Agra and Fatehpur

17 November, 2013. Huhahh, I still remember it, second class sleeper coaches in train left from bandra terminus. 75 students from our college. Leaving for a beautiful trip which we had never imagined how wonderful it was going to be to explore three new cities of India. Agra,Fatehpur-Sikri & Rajasthan. Okay, first day at Agra was quite awesome, My visit to Agra was god's gift to me, that I could go to such a trip. Agra is magnificent in its own way. I visited the Taj Mahal, and even I saw the Diwan-e-aam and Diwan-e-khas as shown in the movie Jodha akbar. Believe me, standing there I imagined the whole scene of Akbar's reign. And that feeling is that really I can't express it but I felt so great in standing one the greatest places of Indian subcontinent. The walls, the pillars looked so alive that I felt that Akbar would come out of somehwhere suddenly with his bodyguards, the word "Diwan-e-Aam" means, the court for common people. I went to Taj Mahal and frankly to say, There's nothing much exciting about Taj Mahal, yes Indeed it is mysterious and secondly people aren't allowed to enter the basement of Taj Mahal.

Fatehpur and Sikri are the places where we find Jodhabai palace, the begum of Akbar. Jodhabai's kitchen, Jodhabai's temple her bedroom all is still there. You must visit Fatehpur once in your lifetime.
Alright now people gonna think I visited Rajasthan that means I must have visited Jodhpur, Jaipur, Bikaner, Bundi, Jaisalmer, Udaypur. haaha enough of it. I visited Bharatpur.A small village which is famous for Bharatpur bird sanctuary. Declared as the world heritage site. Do visit these three lovely places if you can!
My next experience will soon be posted. Stay tuned!