Friday 12 September 2014

I tried hard not to cry, there was a big lump in my throat. Two months later this is when I realized that was this the moment what I was waiting for? I felt so alone among those 30 girls. Those were the ones came from different parts of suburbs, some of them with which i had studied for a year.I am socially awkward and I never have lots of friends. You will never find me sitting with a bunch of girls, yeah the photos you see are the meetings when I rarely go out with my friends. I felt like my head was going to burst. Beautiful campus, beautiful classroom, perfect faculties but yet it was such a weird feeling that I am totally alone among all those girls.And that's when it started, no one noticed how I felt. Well, quiet people always go unnoticed.I was never good in studies and that is when one of my closest friend after my good result taunted me so well, "You got much good grades than you expected". This is when I was near to tears in my eyes. The second taunt I got from the same girl was," You should have punctual responsibility". And as I said, I couldn't say anything but just listened to the insult she did every time. Because somewhere I knew, making fun of her wasn't going to help me building myself. Two months when I came home, I started cribbing everyday, "WHY IS THIS HAPPENING TO ME?" and thus I started to remain absent for the classes, turning into a big mental depression. That huge turmoil made a big impact on my life. But I had to face it, for the next four years I had to face it. I had already lost in love, I had lost in studies and now in terms of friendship it turned to worst. It takes too much time just to show that you don't care when you actually do care a lot. I was just left alone and I was speechless, I barely spoke to anyone and I had gave up on my life.

After a month, I decided not to crib anymore, being strong was the only choice god had left for me, maybe he wanted to see how I struggle through such situations. God taught me not to run away from any situations, My best friend had became careless about me, the person I loved the most left me, and my work also was turning worst. That time, two main factors that affected me positively were God and my family. And that's when I decided not to give shit about them and enjoy the company of yourself. You are your own friend when people leave you. People like it when they see you failing, people like to judge you when you are free, you want to be open,. People are never satisfied with what you are. Well maybe I can't express to you all that how I am feeling about this but maybe this all happened to all of you also. I am not saying I am perfect, I am telling you that if you have a friend who doesn't have good grades, it is also your responsibility to help them rather than humiliating them, and leaving them. This is the phase when they need your support, be that support.

Guys, you should be a support to your friends and not a tension! They shouldn't feel tensed when they are in your company. God is testing us. We should win the battle.

(Do write to me about your incidences at


  1. I feel you bro. Happened with me too. I know we didnt get chance to talk much in class. I heard you're leaving the course. But if you're passionate enough. Dont give up. You may find other ways to do it. All the best sanikaa! :)

    1. Yaadnaaa..., Thank you so much for the comment. I am not going to give up at all :) Thanks honey. All the best to you too :)
