Friday 19 June 2015

First of all a big hello from me to you all!

I hope you like all my blog posts and now vlogs too! After my last blog post about how to handle everything in your life, it’s time I will suggest some things essential when you are in a relationship. Not only a love like relationship, but that relation when you are best friends with someone or a sibling relationship. That’s what I am talking about!

Here I go then… I hope what I write helps you in your daily life!

Basically, let me clear you all one thing; I don’t fear anyone, whatever I feel I write. So take it as an advice by me, I am just like you all.

When we say that a person is close to us, it doesn’t mean that, that person is all yours, okay? It’s just in movies where they show us that best friendship is only two people spending time with each other all the time! Man, this can’t happen by any chance can it? No, damn no!
This is real life, not reel life. Come out of the fantasy world. There is this important thing in every person’s life called ‘Personal Space’. If you think your friend, or boyfriend/girlfriend is ignoring you when other people come into their life for some time being, then get out of the box and think, it doesn’t make a difference in their life about that special feeling about you they must be having. People need space in their life. Even you can’t live without space in your life. Never be possessive about anyone. People can do fine without you.
Just give them the amount of space they need from you, and your problems will be definitely solved. If you have seen FRIENDS sit com, Rachel once says this to Ross, “It’s okay Ross, that you are not in that part of my life. You don’t need to be with me in everything. It’s my space and I’d like to keep that part to myself.” So you see? Any relationship can definitely work if you give space to each other J
And by the way, especially about relationships I’d like to say that if there is one sided love, then stop putting statuses and profile photos to express your feelings for that person. It will never help you, in fact your impression will be “what an immature person” to them. So keep your feelings to yourself or share them with your close friends, don’t start telling your feelings to everyone. No one needs to know it, it’s your story not theirs. Secondly, if the person isn’t responding, then stop trying and simply try moving on. As I said earlier this is not reel life, this isn’t a fairy tale movie! Whatever is meant to happen in your life, it will happen no matter what. So just be patient and grow up! J Start writing a diary or blog posts like I do or write poems. Involve yourself in other activities and keep yourself busy. I am sure you will be a better person and you will feel fine after you are over this phase of infatuation. And never take stress if the person doesn’t feel the same way about you. Remember, your time is yet to come! Just like the phrase, ‘Every dog has its day!” Hahaha!
Be happy and satisfied. You don’t need anyone to complete yourself. Just try focussing on work and I am fully sure you will be fine and most importantly, you will be proud of yourself and you will gain the confidence in yourself. And depression? Lol, why depression? Due to this one sided love? Are you kidding me? Do what you love to do. What is your hobby? Indulge yourself into that, never be depressed. Do yoga or exercises every morning. It definitely helps keeping your mind fresh and clean. Take a small vacation, go to some place on weekends (I will recommend a place related to nature’s vicinity) and for those who love trekking and camping, don’t wait just go ahead. You will be fresh after a holiday. Believe me it helps when you want to get over someone. It’s hard to give time to yourself these days in such busy schedules, but still instead of hanging out with others, I will say; spend some time with yourself. Remember, YOU NEED YOURSELF ALWAYS!
That’s all! I hope what I said helps you. If you need to talk to me you have my email:
Don’t hesitate ever to share such things with me. Thank you!

Mumbai Diaries J

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