Tuesday 1 November 2016

Generation gap & Miscommunication: A huge barrier.

The glass of buttermilk fell from his hands; as he shivered from his head to toe. His eyes were burning red with rage, a sense of hurt and astonishment. He knew it. This was it. Today was the end of it. It had been going on for so many months already but he kept quiet for the sake of his hardworking mother. Mother used to cry so many times in front of him; asking him to choose career over a woman first. The mother was a strong woman in her younger days; a fighter perhaps of all kind. The son admired her courage to not give up at this stage of her life. Do you ever wonder, "What am I doing in this family?" The son got this feeling half of the time; not only around his family, but around the world as well. He wanted to be isolated from everything to get peace for a while. Dad was acting all bonkers when his mother used to visit them. The problems grew intense when she stayed in the house. The son used to be home many times when he tried to make a conversation with his dad. But it never seemed to work out. His dad had changed in every possible way in the last two years. Once a cheerful, happy man was now a irritating, complaining, whining and annoying person. They had a lot of fights. The mother used to stay outside due to work so she was less suffering, thankfully. His mother did not want to get married. She was married off at a very young age; just to run away from her problems in her own house; this lady got married.

"You people treat me like a dog! He is not my son." Said dad in anger.
Then there is her son standing, a mother in her forties; willing to enjoy her life but cannot.
There is the grand mother standing, crying to this bullshit happening. Dad shouts again and mom grasps the son's hand and holds it tightly to shut him up to avoid further argument.  The son is speechless. He is badly hurt today. He cannot say a word. He keeps staring at his father thinking that his father did not say such thing like that and it is all just a dream. He goes out. He is used to fights and not talking properly with his dad anymore. They hardly have good meaningful conversations. Let's name the son as Steve. Everytime dad comes in the hall; Steve gets paranoid thinking what will dad ask him about. Is it about his scores? Is it about his college certificate that Steve is yet to take? Or anything else? Yeah, Steve's mistake. It's been three months since his course ended; and Steve did not go and pick up his certificate. Dad keeps whining about it everyday in a unpleasant manner. Sure, kids are taught to speak nicely with parents as they are elder. But what if parents never try to speak to you nicely and directly start shouting at you? Yes, parents should be respected. But Steve's mom wasn't happy with the same dad she told Steve to give respect to. Steve's mom was unhappy. Menopause was breaking her already and dad gave her a hard time. So she found a job and stayed away almost half of the day everyday. She used to love office more than her own home. Oh and her name is Wendy. Dad was a engineer; a bright student with wrong decisions taken at his young age which lead to frustration in the later stage of his life. The impact was seen on his children and wife. All the frustration was poured upon the family. Steve had a elder sister Martha who was an artist and a part time photographer. At the end of the day Steve knew that he had Martha to share everything with. Martha was also getting affected due to dad. No, Dad is not the devil here. The circumstances made him like this; but now it was getting over head.

"Why don't you file for a divorce? Martha earns now and so do you. We can live all by ourselves. You've suffered enough already. How much are you willing to sacrifice? Spending rest of your life for a man who doesn't behave properly and is selfish?" a worried Steve asks.

"I can't leave him, Steve. He has been like this for years. I'm used to this now. It's not easy. Your grandma won't be able to survive if I do something like this!" Mom says.

Steve gets pissed off. "WHAT? Who is going to spend the days and nights with him? You or granny? You right? Why do you wish to suffer with no fault of your own?" He asks.

"Because I have accepted my fate and so should you." Mom says. Although Steve knows, mom doesn't literally mean it. She should've left the man long time ago and live a happy life of her own.
People suffer in so much ways. Wendy never showed any of this to Steve or Martha when they were growing up. Until they realized what actually their father was, it was hard for them to digest it. A family, which used to be happy and cheerful once had grown apart now.
Steve hugs Wendy; and both weeping after the fight and dad leaving the house.

I think it's the wrong timing. I do not blame such things on fate or destiny or luck. It's just bad timing. I imagine a life where Wendy giving a divorce to that man. Yes, that'd be very difficult at the start but Wendy would be happy. She would have her children to take care of. Humans have a limit for keeping patience about anything. In a family; once you grow apart, misunderstandings grow. It's very important for both generations to understand that they are different from each other like sky and sand; yet they live under one roof. Try adjusting with each other for a change. If this happens; I am pretty sure, problems which Steve and his family faced would decrease soon. There shouldn't be a communication gap or a barrier which will keep both generations away from each other. Understanding mindsets is important. Steve's father never tried to show interest in what they watched or what music Steve and Martha loved. This behavior doesn't help for both cases. Every generation has flaws. If you don't respect each other; you won't be able to live with each other. People would be astonished to see a person thinking of earning from the age of 16 years instead of getting education first.

Steve's dad always kept on telling them to earn money as they were poor and couldn't afford anything. But suddenly out of nowhere, Dad bring a 80,000 bucks TV and the whole family is surprised to see it.  This is where it lies again. A communication between two generations and understanding it. Giving freedom to do it is important. Go with the flow. The world changes every second. If you keep living with older values; you won't be able to manage with the people living today. Likewise; to our generation, we need to speak out about our problems to our parents in such a way that they would give it a thought to understand it. I know; all of us are suffering so much right now. But it's okay. You all are suffering it. Accept it. Don't run away from it. It's okay not to be okay sometimes. Talk about your problems openly and cry out loud when you are alone. Sit in a room, drink a glass of water and you know it. You'll get over this. So speak up. Always speak up.

Steve has no plans on returning back home yet. He made his first ever trip out of his city and is living with a friend. I hope Steve is okay and finds himself soon. Because it's never too late to start all over again.

Monday 26 September 2016

The night I met Renaissance!

I do not recall the day I started loving Renaissance; but whatever it is has always fascinated me. Whenever I hear the names who were born in the medieval era; I get excited from the top of my lungs. Thankfully, seems like my grandfather was a huge fan of Renaissance too. He has a book which is written by Shakespeare. Everything about the medieval era is just beautiful. Dreamers are always judged for not being realists. And the fight between dreamers and realists and idealists will go on for ages. Then even though many of you still love a movie like, 'Dead Poets' Society'. Why? Because we love the idea of it, sometimes being away from the real world and it's expectations from you; staying away from the reality just for a little bit. Anyway, I am very fond of renaissance. Very few people get the idea of it, understand it because the words and the sentences have old English language which is sometimes difficult to understand. This is about the night at 2 am when I fought with my parents and it got worst at one point that when everyone went to sleep; I brought out my wall paint colours and painted an unbalanced doodle of many countries and it's names and where I'd travel. Medieval Europe is one of the eras I'd love to visit anytime. Any day, any night. My friends have seen the wall, many pictures have been taken as well until now. But I'd like to share a thing today with everyone:

"May I help you? You seem lost." I look at the handsome young man. Possibly in his twenties; my mouth goes dry and I keep staring at him. Without saying a word, I stood up and it's like I have seen him somewhere. A very familiar and popular face indeed. And I was about to say something; to my surprise, another young man joins him. I still stand in silence. "Hiya, all right young lady? It's dark. Are you a traveler?" I looked up. Yes, it is indeed dark. I can almost see the main street light which is wet due to rain. Their clothes look different. I am wearing my normal casuals; a turtle neck black top, a jeans, a jacket and my pair of black shoes. The first guy has nice huge light greenish eyes; he is wearing a huge maroon coat, which almost covers half of him. A fluffy white collar and long black boots. He looks so royal! Where the heck am I? I finally grab some courage and say Hi to them. They are pleased that I finally say something. At least their expressions say so. "I am George...George Byron perhaps! And you, my lady?" Okay, what did he just say? He is George BYRON? What is this? He is surely kidding. "Pardon me, what? You're Lord Byron? Did I get it right?" I asked. "That's quite right lady. Let me escort you to your destination. Where are you headed? And what should I call you by? Your good name?" he asks. "I am just one of your admirers you would say." I say. I look at the other guy; he seems relaxed. Am I the only one who is hyper inside? Well, who wouldn't be hyper? 
"And you are Percy? You're Percy Shelley, aren't you?" I asked the other guy. He also has the similar wardrobe which Byron has. But a huge black coat; a small white collar which has two buttons open, from where I am able to see a golden brooch on it. It looks good on him. Of course, they are indeed royal. At least to the dreamers and poets and writers. "There is a cafe nearby. Let's take you there, shall we?" Percy asks. I do not hesitate for a moment. Byron whistles to someone amidst the road and there comes a 1870's car. It's so small. But I am gobsmacked already. A vintage car; who would get to sit in this car today? I sit inside. 
( An electric vintage car from 1870s)

They seem to be lost in their conversation and I keep listening to whatever they're saying. Although I am really lost at the thought that how am I here? How is my dream becoming true? Are they for real? Is this really happening? We get down at a small cafe. My vision is kind of blurry; I need a coffee desperately. 

(Coffee shops in 1870s in England)

After the coffee session; I want to feel the moment of it. I am with the legends of the world for gods sake! I need to talk the hell out of me right now. As they bid me good bye, I ask them to wait. "Can I please have some time with you both? I have some questions and perhaps doubts and a lot of things in mind." They don't hesitate. They nod and Percy asks him something and Byron agrees to it. "Oh why not, lady? But hurry up, we don't have much time." Well I nod and I start my thing which I have always wanted to say to the men who wrote one of the world's greatest love letters and poems. "So believe it or not; I think I am here from the future. And I am facing...I mean our generation has changed in all sorta ways. It's almost like many of us do not fancy the idea of being a dreamer or not being a realist. Unfortunately, I am one of the dreamers you can say. I write a lot of things about romanticism, the idea and concept of love and whatever relates to it. It's not like people like me don't agree to be in a world of practicality. We do like it as well; but we tend to love the idea of love too. People around me have stopped believing in love. Consider me as a spokesperson for our generation which exists in the year 2016; where we live in a world of realists, practicality and where relations of all sorts are like a deal between two parties. Everything is discussed and then it is started. No one wants to let it happen as it does in this era. Your era has given us a lot of thinkers, philosophers; your writings have made us into whole new different personalities. But I do not wish to change this me. Not only me; I am sure many of us want to convey this to you but you men would not be physically present in the year 2016 around us; which is the disheartening part for me. I have had always wanted to meet you people. So even though I am sure you people are just a thought of my brain, I miss you. I haven't seen you in real or how you look in reality, but I miss the idea of you people. And I am sure, many people miss you guys. Getting me?" I am almost into tears. And I am done..They look quite puzzled. Darn, I spoke a lot as usual didn't I? To my surprise, they smile and then the Lord speaks, "My lady, you're quite one charming woman. So let me get this straight and make this less complicated for you. Your generation has two classifications: The ones who are practical and then there are dreamers like you." I nod. Percy smiles. George continues, "Lady, the great object of life is sensation - to feel that we exist, even though in pain. And out of chaos, god made a world. And out of high passions comes people. You do not change according to the world. The world changes according to you. I am nothing right now. We both write poetry because we love it. We indeed do. Some thinkers might oppose us; in fact some of them did. But we won't stop. Are you getting me?" I nod, and I am crying. They feel it. They feel all of it; my silent cries, my teary eyes, the eyes which show the confusion and excitement. I don't know. I am so numb at that moment. Suddenly they get up; the lord takes my hand, kisses it lightly and they vanish. The cafe vanishes; everything vanishes around me.

It's 6.37 am. I get up, I literally sprang up on my bed. This was surreal. The Lord wrote so many good poems; one of my favourites is this: 


      George Gordon Byron              Percy Bysshe Shelley
         (Lord Byron, 1788-1824)                                              (1792-1822)

After that dream; I never looked back at those people who said that the concept of romanticism does not exist. Not at all trying to be sexist here; but those who stated this to me personally were men. Those who weren't bothered enough about my existence and the other half were those who were hurt by their pasts. I am so sure; if Lord Byron was present today, he would be the guy I would fall for. Not because he is a dreamer; but he believes in us. Romanticism, out of the box minds has made writers, poets, artists, thinkers of all sorts. If you don't agree to my statement; why do you think Robin Williams says, "Engineering, Science, Medicine, Law, Business are necessary to sustain life. But poetry, romance, beauty, love is what we stay alive for." Don't we all? Let's be honest; respecting all professions here; we do love the idea of this right?

My day with Renaissance. My love for this era can never die. Love is eternal :) 
God bless these men who wrote such wonderful stuff for us.
I am yet to read "Love letters of great men Volumes 1, 2 and 3". But I am sure; they'd be great indeed.



Monday 30 May 2016

What exactly is inside Goa?

Almost done with exams, I opened my diary for the tenth time on that Saturday. Felt like it was almost impossible to get the tickets, yet we were trying our best, yet nothing was working properly. I knew very well I needed a break from everything. I am sure, the audience will agree to my statement as well. I knew it is going to be tough but I had to go anyway. I had been planning this since last December when I came back from Madhya Pradesh; that was another nice trip as well. Finally I got a text from Ashwini. Madam had booked a hostel and our train seats as well. I was so darn happy finally, imaginary fireworks exploded all over the sky.
Train: Mangalore Express.

Time: 10.35 pm, Thane station. Who won’t be excited when their dream comes true? I almost fell down on the ground in excitement running all over the house with clothes lying around. For the first time in my life I was going for a properly planned trip without my parents accompanying me. Caught the train finally and settled down in our compartment. Reached next day morning, we reached very late. I was expecting us to reach by 7.30 max, but we reached by 9.30 am. As we all know how beautiful Goa is, here are some pictures of my stay in Anjuna, North Goa. For those who have been asking me about my stay of location in Goa, I hope this will help you properly:

Location courtesy: Roadhouse Hostels, Anjuna, Goa (India)

Address: #954, Grand Peddem, Off Flea Market road, Near German Bakery, Monteiro Vaddo, Anjuna, Goa 403509.
            Contact: 08326525552
A beautiful hostel with facilities of mixed dorms, female dorms and male dorms as well. Ac/ Non-Ac rooms available according to your convenience. 10 minutes walking distance from Anjuna beach. Anjuna, Baga and Calangute are the beautiful beaches if you wish to spend your night at the beach. Candle light dinners, drinks, clubs, amazing food! Makes your day complete.

Location: Vagator Beach

 We spent the first day in sleeping our Ac cosy dorms and got up by 3 pm, so basically we only saw Vagator beach. One of the beautiful locations in Goa is Chapora Fort in Anjuna.

Location: Chapora Fort.

The beach which is seen below the fort is Vagator beach. The fort opens at 8 am and closes by 5 pm. It is indeed beautiful, we were there for like an hour. I started walking by the sides of the fort, found a place to sit for 15 minutes. I never felt so peaceful before! You feel like the sea waves are actually talking to you.

As we all know, Goa is very popular for its Portuguese culture; Goa was the capital of ancient Portuguese India so we can see many Goan Catholics present in Goa who speak Konkani, Marathi, English and some of them can speak Portuguese as well. Must visit churches in Goa are:
 1. Panjim Church or The Lady Immaculate Church (Panjim, South Goa).
2. Bom Basilica Of Jesus, Old Goa. (The body of St. Francis Xavier from Spain, a Christian missionary who came to India is kept inside the church till today)
     3. St. Cajetan Church.
I am sure, you will have to spend your whole day in visiting these if you choose to stay in North Goa. Choose to stay in south if you have immense love for Churches! I did a lot of study before visiting Goa this time. The church structure belongs to medieval renaissance period when the Portuguese invaded India and made Goa as their capital. ‘Baroque’ architecture is commonly found in Goa. Mansions of the viceroys and chiefs Mascarenhas Mansion and Albuquerque Mansion are there who have an amazing influence of this art. Basically if you love cultural history, visiting churches and mansions is a must.
Of course try sea food or proper Goan food when you’re in Goa! I’ll suggest you Ritz Classic Restaurant and Bar in Panjim. It has amazing food quality. I cannot stop imagining it still! Decide your choice of places. Are you interested in beaches or only churches and the history of Goa or just there to have some fun?

The hostel where I stayed was in North Goa so it was pretty far from the popular churches in Goa as they are present in South. But anyway, I managed to see most of them and covered them all.

                                 Location: Panjim Church, South Goa

                          Location: Basilica Of Bom Jesus, Old Goa.

Specially note: Do not forget to carry your identification card anywhere. One of the most important lessons to remember while travelling. They’ll ask you in hostels, check points or anywhere else so keep it as a safety option. I have a huge crush on Goan Catholics since I don’t know when, but Goa makes me feel like home. I can be myself there; the people are lazy and are relaxed all day which I love! Konkani language is one of my favourite languages after French. Try bicycles and bikes during winter and cars on rent in summer. Try to cover as much of Goa as you can, because who would wish to miss such a beautiful and pleasant place?
I know people visit Goa for partying and fun. But I had my kind of fun this time. We went to the beach at 2 am, decided to stay awake all night. I might sound poetic to you right now, but I could feel like the waves talking to me, stars looking right at me and there was no fear at all. It was totally dark as Anjuna is still a village area and not properly civilized. But I don’t know, I felt very safe and homely there. Go outside, take your friends with you, sit with them, have some nice deep conversations at the middle of night right in front of the beach. That’s some crazy shit and the risk we took at such dark hour. But it was definitely worth it. As the morning came, we could almost see shades of blue walking all over the sky.
My alarm rang by 12.30 pm, and that’s when I saw, “7 missed calls from my parents!!! What even?!” So basically it’s a mini heart attack when you get so many missed calls from your parents, right? Well, surprisingly she didn’t scold. Spoke nicely and I kept the phone down. We visited Panjim again and shopped for the evening, went back to the hostel by 2 am.
My last day: Travelogue:
Sitting in the train. Window seat. Pen. Book. Thoughts rushing all over my mind. A drop of tear shed through my eye. I am a really homesick person when it comes to travel. Any place where I travel, I might cry for sure when I leave that place. I am homesick for other places. It is the memories which keep us reminding of that place. Taking a wooden rosary in my hand, I started plotting down my thoughts in my diary. Goa has always been my favourite destination since childhood. I still remember the day when I was in 6th standard and I asked dad to take me to goa for a few days and he was like, “Get good marks in 10th and I’ll take you to goa for sure!” Well this happened late but it did happen. He did take me to Goa two years ago, so I got a glimpse of how beautiful and peaceful a city can be. I am for sure visiting Goa next year. All I can say is, the show has just begun guys J Sayonara and stay tuned!

Monday 29 February 2016


Writing after months! After my trip from Madhya Pradesh, I hardly got any time to write stuff for you guys! So today I finally got some time. This is how we are getting lost. I will come straight to the point. Also to note, this is my personal opinion, do not take it as an offence. Personally I don't feel we are able to understand the concept of the word called 'ROMANCE'. Rather, I'll even state I am not sure we are capable of loving someone accepting their flaws. The reason I posted that picture is because, we as a generation have failed to understand LOVE. All we care about is how we look on Facebook with each other. Virtual communication has taken place instead of real life communication. Liking towards someone is, keeping your phone aside and listening to them, talking to them with complete attention. Maybe romance still exists, but people fail to find it now!

Look at our parents. They fight, don't they? Do they leave each other for silly reasons? Do they make it public unlike some couples these days who like to post everything out in public. How did our parents understand the term 'adjustment' ?  I often keep saying this, when you're with someone; you need to accept them with their flaws. No one is perfect and no one is going to be perfect. Do not leave a person just because they have flaws. We compare due to social media. We want a life which they live, we want the clothes which they wear, we want the love they receive from their lovers. So your life is a waste? Really? Is it? You all are different characters here, how can you compare yourself with others? Why cannot one stay happy and satisfied?

Options. Choices. Lots of choices. Yes, unfortunately I hate to say this, but we are always in the need of a better choice. Even if we have someone-committed,we keep looking for a better choice than this. I am not stating this on my own terms, I have seen people suffering in our generation. It's like you have a yummy dish in your hand, but you still want a better dish than that. The fact is you've got your main course, but you still keep searching for starters. 

COMPARE. COMPARE. COMPARE. Stop comparing! You don't need something more. This is why you break up. Accept each other, if you're hating me already till now then take the example of your parents. They have stayed with each other for so many years, and I have seen them happy with each other. So won't they be having fights? Their generation witnessed so many love marriages and affairs. So don't you think it is time for us to find ourselves? To find the lost romance? We want to date, but we don't want to commit. We want one night-stands, but no relationships. You have to screw up something always? Do you? Why can't you just for a change think that, no matter what happens we are going to stick with each other.

We sure know how to date. But we did forgot to love each other. It's time to find the romance again!

Monday 4 January 2016

The Heart of India!

7.30 pm we've to board ‘Avantika Express’ at Borivali station. We left pretty late for Borivali that day. Had to order a cab on the last minute and the driver messed it up. “The train leaves at 7pm. You have to make it to Borivali before 7!”, my father shouted at him. Well as we were pretty late, my parents had already lost it. Pin drop silence during our cab drive till Borivali station, and we totally made it at 7.17pm.

Well when the train arrived, it was 8.30pm IST. It was definitely a great start for the trip hahaha! We had our usual dinner in the trains. I love railways more than any other mode of transport. Like seriously, you sit with everyone, you can talk loudly, laugh and walk around anytime. At least that’s what my sister and I do. As you know, I talk to strangers a lot of times; we met this young man who was providing us food and bed sheets.

Mr. Manish Dwivedi.

Mr. Manish Dwivedi was a very amazing man; well my father is an extrovert person. You could lock him in a room full of strangers and one hour later, you’ll see all of them talking to each other like they've known each other for a long time. We got down at ‘Lakshmibai Nagar’ which is near Ujjain and my father as usual got down and started talking to him. He was so good, we even took his number, Avanti and I clicked his pictures and we had a nice chat. Exactly at 10.00am IST, we reached Indore city.  So a lot of people have been asking me that how different is Indore from other cities. Let me tell you, Indore is just like any other normal city in India. Indore is also called ‘mini-Mumbai’. Oh yes, we stayed in a good hotel, and trust me in one thing, when you look at Indore traffic, you definitely will remember the traffic in Andheri and Dadar. Climate wise, Indore is a good place to discover. Do visit this place in winters only. I am putting up some captures of mine below. Have a look at some of the places we visited during our trip:

1.) Omkareshwar Jyotirlinga Temple (Near Mamleshwar) Ujjain:

Trust me, you get those feels of Varanasi and Benaras ghats when you go down here. My personal experience with this temple was horrible, standing in the line for an hour, where people are glued to each other to see the deity. And no, I am never visiting it again. Go for a ferry ride down there, the local boatman takes you near the end point of Narmada and Kaveri rivers, where they join each other. The water flow is high. I waved at the local children who were standing at the banks of the river, and well we had a cute laugh over it! 


2.) Mandavgarh Palace, near Ujjain:

Portrait shots outside the watch tower of Rani Roopmati.

a.) The swing shower as well as the 'Diwan-e-Khas'. The swings of course have vanished, many of the artifacts still remain hidden from the common audience inorder to avoid disputes.

The story revolves around mid 16th century; during the reign of Akbar. The cordial tie between Hindus and the Muslims is often credited to Emperor Akbar. However the seed of this long lasting tie was not sown in Agra, but in a not so far away province in the present day Madhya Pradesh called Mandu. This initiation finds a unique place in our history because the roots of this beautiful union was not greed, lust or want unlike witnessed in Mughal chronicles but out of something very pure termed as “love”. Yes, it was not an alliance, treaty or a pact but a romantic love affair between Sultan Baz Bahadur and a Hindu singer Roopmati who later became his queen and Rani Roopmati.

b.) The watch-tower for Rani Roopmati to have a view of Narmada river.

Being the Sultan of Marwa, he, if wanted could have forced her for her submission. He however, asked her hand in marriage and requested Roopmati to accompany him to his capital. Roopmati could not say “no” to his majesty, but laid her own condition that, in return he would have to construct a palace for her which would be within the sight of River Narmada. Her wish was the Sultan’s command and thus was constructed the famous Rewa Kund reservoir of Mandu, only to fulfill Roopmati’s fancy. Till today, it is one of the most hot-spot areas in Madhya Pradesh. People around the globe come here to witness the beautiful setting which the lover built in for his love.

Water tank.


3.) Outside the ‘Kaal Bhairava temple’, Ujjain:
Of course, we couldn't shoot much in the temple, this deity is said to drink alcohol. So his deities offer him bottles of alcohol as an offering when they enter the temple. Of course, we cannot believe this fact. A river is present outside the temple, also to fill in the scene, one can find many local monkeys wandering for food. We have taken shots in our videos, for our channel. You can check the scenes in those video clips.




3.)Saraafa Market, Indore:

of course foodies will find themselves in a good surrounding in the market of Sarafa. Similar to Bombay’s Khao galli. Jalebi, Garadu, and many more food items are found here. The rickshaws here are of green and yellow colour, look so fascinating and also the people here are friendly.


Writer’s note:

I roamed around Indore, Ujjain, Omkareshwar Temple, Mandavgarh. The places which are mentioned above come nearby these cities. Before you visit any place, you have certain image in your mind about that place, like the way I had about Madhya Pradesh. But wow! I’d like to visit this magnificent land again to discover the palaces and mosques and to discover the secret passages. Also I forgot to mention, in the Jahaz Mehal, 6 floors were found by the archaeological survey of India and each floor has 35 rooms, which are going to be open to public by this year, which was told to us by our guide. If you want to see Mandavgarh properly, keep 2-3 days for roaming Mandavgarh as the place is huge. There are many palaces and tombs inside; also there are some good restaurants available inside Mandu. Omkareshwar temple was not that good experience, but the ferry ride was just amazing. Visit Sarafa market during night time, leave your place by 10.30 pm and then start roaming around and eating food. I’ll recommend Garadu and Jalebi. I am still craving for those two! So for foodies, visit Sarafa market for sure. Sarafa Market is in Indore. Winter season is the perfect time to visit Madhya Pradesh, I thoroughly enjoyed all the places during my visit. So let me know when you are visiting any of these places. I’ll love to hear from you.


                                 Happy Clicking!