Saturday 17 October 2015

An attempt against Depression.

I posted blog posts about me. What I suffered, what I faced, I revealed my confidential part to all who read my posts. After that, I posted the same link on my instagram handle. Well, the response I got was amazing. I later discovered that people from all over the world are facing same kind of problems and also, they have no one else they could talk to. Just go outside and you are going to find a lot of people around you who are facing many problems right now. Do you know what the problem is these days? We give up very easily; we don’t have enough guts and courage to face the situation. Rather, we try the easy and possible ways to run away from the problems. I have always been helping my friends to come out of stress and depression thing. Half of them tend to believe that they are not normal, they are not like others. What I want to say is, yes I have been through this phase recently. I think it's time for you to realize and understand that you should also choose proper circle of people around you. Also, many people tend to lose their own value and keep communicating with the people who are not even thinking about you. A strong point, I'd like to notify here which I observed...our generation believes in virtual communication and bonding more than meeting in real and knowing about each other...mainly being the real you. Most of us tend to use social media to connect with others and be friends, virtually. I discussed this issue with a friend of mine and we both felt the same that, you need to get out of the fantasy world and also always remember that never hide your flaws because no one is perfect here so if someone is judging you, then they are not your real friends.

Some common questions and statements in my mail box, instagram DMs are:

1. "What if I end up being alone?"
2. "I can see my friends partying here and there, why can't I?"
3. "Do you think I am an abnormal person?"
4. "I think I need a counselor. Do you feel I have gone insane?"
5. "I watch sitcoms and series at home to get over loneliness, but it doesn't help!"
6. "No way! I don't need counseling. I am not insane okay!"
7. "My parents never listen to me! I always have to say YES to everything whatever they say."
8. "I need help. I feel a guy likes me and wants me just for physical closeness. What should I do? I am confused."

First of all, you are not going to end up alone. Also, you don't need to end your life for such silly reasons. Parties and clubbing, you are going to get all the enjoyment at the proper time. You need PATIENCE for everything. No, you are not abnormal. And even if you are, take it positively that you are such a piece which can be found no where else. This means you are unique. Yes, in some cases you do need counseling if situation is out of control, so be it anything. Family, love life, other relationships, whatever it maybe. You are not insane, is the bottom line. Watching sitcoms and series? Good for you. But watching it and spending all of your time just watching sitcoms, is not going to help you. Your unconscious mind starts dreaming, it starts living in a fantasy world as things are shown perfectly in movies and TV series most of the times. Your parents never listen to you? Tell me one thing, do you know how reality fucks you at one point and that's the point when only your family is left to support you? At the back of your mind, you always know that your family is going to be a strong support for you. If your family doesn't support you; ever thought why? Stand in their shoes and think once, why are they acting like this. I hope you may get your answer. So a guy likes you huh? This reminds me, today itself my friend was crying on phone., I asked her what happened and she said, "He wants physical closeness but doesn't wish to have any commitment." So now you see why half of our generation is in depression! 

Have you totally forgotten the most important thing in your life, which you still have to face?
YOUR CAREER. Ever thought, what will happen if your career leaves you one day? If a boy/girl leaves you tomorrow, leave that behind and concentrate on your studies. Half of you tend to lose interest in studies after a break up. And that is not done at all. I read lots of pages and write-ups related to this topic and there was one statement used by a poet once, "Always remember, even if someone leaves you tomorrow you'll feel left alone. But also remember, your career is never going to leave you ever. Hold it strongly!"

I sincerely loved this thought and I follow this in my life. Not just relationships, but also other relationships in our lives. It's amazing to live for yourself first.

All the best guys! And you can always write to me anytime. I will be glad to help.

My Instagram Handle: langleaver
My Gmail Id:

1 comment:

  1. You talk about depression and being alone. But there must be some root cause, right? If you say that people across borders have the same issues, it must mean that there is something that transcends race and gender. Temporary solutions and statements won't make much of a difference if you really want to help them. I saw a comment on your post on FB comparing problems and saying that these are not serious problems. I think that guy is wrong. Serious or not, these are the problems that people face. They don't think that other people have way more serious problems. People are very self centered that way. I agree that people are way too obsessed about virtual world. But then again, I'm commenting on a blog.
