Monday 31 August 2015

Facing your past! Co-incidence or destiny?

Here we go again today!

Facing people who once meant life to you and suddenly they disappear! It goes like this: (Dramatic representation of a scene which you may have faced differently of course!)

So the question rises: Threat or not threat?

Walking down a lane on a rainy morning, your jeans is half drenched due to water, you are holding your umbrella and you are literally tired about thinking of getting back to work/study. Rains have just stopped and you see a bench which has a shade. Having some free time left, you open your bag; pulling out your favorite book you fumble upon the pages. Randomly after five minutes, you start looking around you and your heart stops for a second.

Oh shit, It's him/her! What the fuck is he/she doing here? Shit, this shouldn't happen, no freaking way! Of all the places we both end up being at the same place? Okay stop it. I will just pretend that I never saw him/her. Concentrate on the book now!

After 10 minutes. You finally grab some courage and look up to them, and you catch them staring at you back. 

This is awkward. I expected. He/ She is looking at me. What should I do now? Smile? No. I don't want to be needy. Dumb face? No. They will think I have ego. What the fuck am I supposed to do? Let this pass already lord, will ya? I am literally going to stand up and walk away. 

Gathering up some courage, you stand up, holding your umbrella, you simply walk away. That whole day you feel miserable, all those memories run again through your mind and yes that is frustrating. Going through that pain, remembering it all over again. Finally you go home, you change in your normal track pants and shirt, sitting on your bed thinking about the person. Now the thought process starts. You start talking to yourself.

"Wait, what the hell was that today? Why did this happen? This is not any movie. This doesn't mean anything, does it? We decided to stop talking to each other, and it has been 5 months now. We are not in contact. She/He didn't try to contact once, nor did I. Then why? Was I too rude? Or if I went to talk, they'd have thought I am too needy. Husshh!"

So you all really think meeting or seeing a person from your past is a co-incidence or destiny?

Let me tell you. I don't think that, it is written in your destiny that you meet someone from your past one day suddenly. It is a mere co-incidence which happens many times. I write such posts because I have faced these situations too. Earlier, I thought this is my destiny. But as time passed by, I realized that NO..No..No.. It is not at all your destiny. It is a fact of mere co-incidence. You tell me, is your life reel life? Are you living in a reel life? People around you are merry and cheerful always? Giving you attention? Are you the protagonist? Well, I don't think we live in reel life. But, I do know that we have trained our brain in such a way these days that our brain loves to stay in the world of fantasy. Films have taken over many minds, due to which many people have lost their personalities. Meeting a person from your past is not at all your destiny. You create your own destiny. God never created it. Take it as a milestone in your life and forget it. If you take that part seriously, you are going to lose yourself forever! Our mind keeps thinking on such sensitive things in a enormous amount. And I can understand, this happens. We cannot stop thinking. But, we can overcome it. Keep yourself involved in your work, and that is why, I am always of the opinion that work what you would love to do for the rest of your life. This is just a small problem in your life. Don't make a big deal out of it. It means nothing. NOTHING. You still have your beautiful life ahead. You have to grow up, meet new people, make new connections. If you keep running your mind into those past memory lanes, then you'd never come out of the whole thing. Never ever! I don't wish to see you losing yourself! Imagine yourself standing ahead 20 years from now. Don't you see a successful person? Don't you? You definitely do right? Each one of us wants to be successful. They why are you wasting your time in thinking about such small things.

If that person was your lover, best friend, group friend whatsoever once upon a time, then BE PRACTICAL and move ahead. Always remember, people may leave but your CAREER NEVER LEAVES YOU. Stick to your work, work out on your hobbies. Paint, listen to music, communicate with people from different cultures. Come out of depression and stress. Become a person which you always thought you'd never become. Small amount of hard work also can give you better amount of people around you. What I'd suggest is, concentrate on your work and career and later think of this.
Destiny is created by humans and not god. No, not at all. So stop over thinking and start working.
I hope my writing is helping you all to come out of your problems. I'd be glad to help you more.
Be happy and live stress free! And I will say again. DESTINY IS CREATED BY YOU. IT IS A MATTER OF MERE CO-INCIDENCE that's all. Forget it. MOVE ON and LIVE YOUR LIFE.
