Saturday 18 July 2015


(Whatever I am writing today, I am not afraid of anyone. Whatever I am pouring out straight comes from my heart! If you don’t like it, not my problem. If you like it, congrats you are a human!)

Now that is a pretty sensitive topic I am about to start for those who are in their worst situations.
“Why do I write such posts? It’s because, I am experiencing so many situations every day! Sometimes my day is a nightmare. “I want to run away!” this is what comes to my mind every day.
“Take stress and you kill yourself.” Says my mind.
“You are overreacting!” is what my friends say if I share something.
“Start crying, right now!” is what my self-conscious says.
“You will rock someday. Don’t give up!” my well wishers say.
“Selfish, Arrogant, and Egoistic!” the judgementals say. (They have no idea how I am from the inside. Never mind.)
“What the fuck is happening every day?” my heart asks to my body.
I am numb. I am silent. I have no answers to any question. I am in a mess.
I am very much active on Facebook and Instagram, I don’t deny it. I like to write for people, I like to click people.”
This a short story of my life. So basically, until now many of you must have related this to yourself. Don’t worry, it’s alright! I understand you. You know how hard life is? When people say, “You lucky girl, you get to travel always!”
In my mind, I am like, “Alright, I think you have no idea what things I had to do before setting this trip! So yes! Never call anyone lucky.”
I am done with people, honestly. Let me tell you a secret. The more you get close to people, more problems start to grow! Later your mind goes haywire. Your mind is bewildered with so many things at a time that you go numb. (Yes I understand you.)
We are in such age right now, that we can’t accept the fact of being single. Infact, many people are mocked up from the inside, but they show themselves as good natured people. Stay away from such people!

Be firm on your opinions:
‘The more people you ask for opinions, the more your mind goes dumb.”
Another one which is my personal favourite, here it goes:
“Too many cooks spoil the broth.”
(I personally don’t wish anyone to suffer any negative things.)
First of all, try to say a firm ‘NO’ if you find someone, some question, anything inappropriate. Believe me, there is no harm in saying no in proper situations.
Second is, whatever decisions you have to make. Be it any damn thing. Don’t go sharing it to 7-8 people. I think it is more important to understand which decision YOU will prefer, because it is YOUR life. In the end you will end up confused. Instead, why not listen to yourself?
“Yeah right, post some random shit and you get 400 likes man!” They say.
“So? What? I see you had a very productive day in stalking my profile.” Is what I say to them (in my mind of course, or else they’ll again call me rude. But that’s the truth. Why the fuck likes matter?)

These are the people we come across literally every day. (Basically, these are the ones with no life of their own!)
I will be frank to you all, because each and every one of us has faced such tags from people. Those people could be our best friends, room partners, college buddies, anyone. So you can relate these words to yourself.
“Arrogant, Egoistic, Selfish, Not Trustworthy at all, back stabber, show off, you over reacting fellow, gossip girl/boy, annoying, pervert, possessive, Pessimistic, and on and on.)That’s what they call. In fact, they only know half of the story. These are the people who believe on one sided opinions. Stay away from these people. And let’s face it, many of us have been through this. Many of us have been insulted for no damn reason. Don’t be a pessimist even if they call you that. We should love ourselves no matter what happens in life. For me, life became simple when I started loving myself. In short words, DON’T GIVE A SINGLE FUCK! J
And how can I forget over smart people?
I have heard taunts from people for the blog posts I write, my YouTube channel, my way of speaking, my way of writing, my way of editing photos, my way of dressing. Well the list will go on, and I am not ashamed to say this. Because people have done this to me. And they still do, they can never stop. These are the ones whom we call, ‘People who call themselves superior than others’. I used to get hurt, and crying and weeping and sobbing and craving for a good friendship. But you know what; I am done with such people. Even if you are alone, I think you stay away from bull shit, you maintain distance from others, and you get to live in peace. You become independent.
Live happily and satisfied. Don’t rush into anything. And this is real world, PEOPLE WILL JUDGE YOU ALWAYS NO MATTER WHAT HAPPENS, SO INSTEAD OF MAKING IT A BIG DEAL, IGNORE THEM AND LIVE YOUR OWN LIFE. IF YOU DON’T, YOU CANNOT BE SUCCESSFUL EVER! I love people who inspire me, who appreciate what I do every day, who appreciate for the person I am. That is all of me! I thank them all for not giving up on me.