Tuesday 14 October 2014


“Some people think it’s holding that makes one strong – 

sometimes it’s letting go.” 

1.) There is not a single problem with your body or yourself, the problem is your mind ! Thinking about such things which are not even meaningful! Why do you do this? Ask your mind once. Do what you like always. Have time for yourself, if you have a busy schedule take out time from it and do your hobbies! I am absolutely sure you all will survive through this, the reason why my blogs are about mental conditions of people is I want people to be happy and not thinking about silly things. Don't ever mess up your mind, be such a person always that, when others come around you, they will love your company and will love to be with you. 

2.) Choosing your friends is the most important factor in your life, don't open up to everyone. Not everyone needs to know about your life. Be open to few! And stay with those who make you feel positive, tiffs are common among friends but this is the phase in our lives when we have to act maturely in certain situations. BE MATURE if your friends act weird in certain situations. (Well you know how to handle them better when they get fussy). And one more thing is not everyone wants to be with you, some are just interested to listen to your story and not to help so be INDEPENDENT so you won't ever get hurt, that's my promise!

3.)  “When I argue with reality, I lose, but only 100 percent of the time.”

This is the perfect quote to lead us into the most harmful stressor of them all: resisting what is in the present moment.
Many of us are so accustomed to fighting the external environment of the moment that we don’t even realize that it’s optional to do so. Or even that it’s completely useless.
It is this resistance of what is that leads to most, or even all, of the unnecessary suffering that we’re so accustomed to experiencing.
I used to be a great resistor of my life situation. I thought that resisting and fighting it would eventually lead me to happiness, but it didn’t. The resistance only fed itself and led me deeper into more resistance, and thus more suffering.
It’s not until I began becoming friends with the present moment that I began to experience peace.

 Sarah Jessica Parker thanks to you for inspiring me to write such things. And a big thank you to those people who wrote to me and I am glad if I made you happy with my suggestions.

I will always try to make it up to you people to be stress free and being happy and satisfied in your life! Thanks for listening. Stay tuned. And feel free to write to me always.
